Momentary Switch Intertechno MLT-7100 for Receiver MLR-7100

This additional momentary switch (wireless transmitter) is congenial to the
radio-gong (MLR-7100) and radio gong ML-8300 (available by order).
Any numbers of additional switches can be used.
Intertechno catalogue as pfd file
Manual as pfd file
Range: max. 30m, depending upon environmental conditions
Type of protection: IP65
Intertechno Overview (as pdf file)
Make: Intertechno
Type: MLT-7100
For more Radio Technology Items (as html file)
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For more Receiver/Transmitter
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Sprachen Funksystem Funksysteme Funk System Funk Syteme Funk Technik radio technology rf radio transmitter receiver rf transmitters receivers émetteur d‘ondes radioélectriques emetteur d‘ondes radioelectriques Telsiz teknolojisi Telsiz hareket dedektörü Telsiz mıknatıslı Şalter Telsiz miknatisli salter Açma/Kapama telsiz alıcıları Acma/Kapama telsiz alicilari telsiz uzaktan kumanda Mini verici zamanlayıcı duvar vericisi Rádiová technika Radiova technika Rádiové ruČnÍ vysÍlaČe Radiove rucni vysilace Rádiové nástě nný vysÍlaČe Rádiós technika Radios technika