Industrial ScopeMeter 20MHz Fluke-123 with Special Value Kit SCC
The compact ScopeMeter 120 Series is the rugged solution for industrial troubleshooting and installation applications. It’s a truly integrated test tool, with oscilloscope, multimeter and “paperless recorder in one affordable, easy-to-use instrument. Find fast answers to problems in machinery, instrumentation, control and power systems.
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Scopemeter scopemeters scope-meter Oscilloscope Handheld oscilloscopes multimeter multitester VOM Volt-Ohm meter analog multimeters AMM digital multimeters DMM DVOM universalinstrument måleinstrument Nyere batteridrevent digital multimeter Multímetro polímetro Polimetro analógico y polímetro digital Multimètre Multimètres multimètre à affichage numérique Multimetro multimetri digitale universeelmeter