EPROM 512Kx8 100ns PDIP-32 Type M27C4001-10F1
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Type: M27C4001-10F1
4 Mbit (512Kb x 8) UV EPROM and OTP EPROM
- Active Current 30mA at 5MHz
- Standby Current 100mA
> PROGRAMMING TIME: 100ms/byte (typical)
- Manufacturer Code: 20h
- Device Code: 41h
The M27C4001 is a 4 Mbit EPROM offered in the
two ranges UV (ultra violet erase) and OTP (one
time programmable). It is ideally suited for microprocessor
systems requiring large programs and
is organised as 524,288 by 8 bits.
The FDIP32W (window ceramic frit-seal package)
and LCCC32W (leadless chip carrier package)
have a transparent lid which allow the user to expose
the chip to ultraviolet light to erase the bit pattern.
A new pattern can then be written to the
device by following the programming procedure.
For applications where the content is programmed
only one time and erasure is not required, the
M27C4001 is offered in PDIP32, PLCC32 and
TSOP32 (8 x 20mm) packages.
The operating modes of the M27C4001 are listed
in the Operating Modes table. A single power supply
is required in the read mode. All inputs are TTL
levels except for VPP and 12V on A9 for Electronic
Read Mode
The M27C4001 has two control functions, both of
which must be logically active in order to obtain
data at the outputs. Chip Enable (E) is the power
control and should be used for device selection.
Output Enable (G) is the output control and should
be used to gate data to the output pins, independent
of device selection. Assuming that the addresses
are stable, the address access time
(tAVQV) is equal to the delay from E to output
(tELQV). Data is available at the output after a delay
of tGLQV from the falling edge of G, assuming that
E has been low and the addresses have been stable
for at least tAVQV-tGLQV.
Standby Mode
The M27C4001 has a standby mode which reduces
the supply current from 30mA to 100mA. The
M27C4001 is placed in the standby mode by applying
a CMOS high signal to the E input. When in
the standby mode, the outputs are in a high impedance
state, independent of the G input.
Two Line Output Control
Because EPROMs are usually used in larger
memory arrays, this product features a 2 line control
function which accommodates the use of multiple
memory connection. The two line control
function allows:
a. the lowest possible memory power dissipation,
b. complete assurance that output bus contention
will not occur.
For the most efficient use of these two control
lines, E should be decoded and used as the primary
device selecting function, while G should be
made a common connection to all devices in the
array and connected to the READ line from the
system control bus. This ensures that all deselected
memory devices are in their low power standby
mode and that the output pins are only active
when data is required from a particular memory
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Anmerkung zu den NTE/ECG Austauschhalbleiter:
NTE-Austauschhalbleiter (früher ECG Philips und Sylvania) sind sorgfältig
ausgesuchte und erprobte Halbleiter, die einen sicheren Ersatz
für Originaltypen verschiedenster Hersteller und Ursprünge für
fast alle Applikationsbereiche im Wartungsdienst bieten.
Alle NTE-Austausch-Halbleiter sind einzeln in durchsichtigen
Plastikbeuteln verpackt, auf welchen die wichtigsten Daten
vermerkt sind.
Sprachen integrierter Schaltkreis integrated circuit, kurz IC, Mikrochip Microchip integreret kredsløb integreret kredslob circuito integrado (CI) circuit intégré (CI) circuit integre (CI) circuito integrato geïntegreerde schakeling geintegreerde schakeling Tümdevre Tuemdevre