Replacement Soldering Pencil 80W Weller WSP-80 005-29-161-99
The Weller micro-solderer WSP 80 features precise and quick heating to the required solder
temperature. An excellent dynamic behaviour is achieved using an especially powerful
80W heater element. Together with the slimline form and the simple change of soldering
bits, this soldering iron can be universally used in all situations from extremely delicate soldering
to those where there is a greater temperature requirement.
With an integrated grounding connector, there is the possibility for a grounding of the solder
bit if required. The anti-static handle and cables mean that the soldering iron satisfies
all requirements of the EGB safety.
Connecting voltage: 24V
Power: 80 W
Version: antistatic
Warm up time: approx. 10 sec. (50°C - 350°C)
Max. temperature: 450°C
Connectable to: all 80 W power units (e.g. WS80, WS81, WSD80, WSD81, WSD130)
Suitable tip range:
Weller LT series
Type: WSP-80 WSP80
Make: Weller
Weller Catalogue as pdf file (33MB)
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ERSA Soldering Program (as html file)
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Fer à souder Saldatore attrezzo Soldeerbout Lutownica Havya Ersa Søgetips Punta per saldatore Weller 005-29-161-99 0052916199 WSP80