Plastik 70 Spray 400ml Universal Conformal Coating for Printed Circuit Boards Kontakt Chemie
Quick drying, colourless transparent insulating and protective coating based on acrylic

PLASTIK 70 is a low viscosity, solvent drying acrylic based conformal coating with
excellent insulating properties. The lacquer is colourless transparent and elastic. It has a
durable adhesion in the temperature range from –40°C to +60°C and can be used for a
short period of time up to +100°C maximum. It protects printed circuit boards and
surfaces from humid anorganic-acid or caustic vapours.
PLASTIK 70 is colourless-transparent and as such is not visual on the printed circuit
board surface.
For repair works PLASTIK 70 can be soldered through or be totally removed with aceton,
PLASTIK 70 was specially developed to protect printed circuit boards. It overcomes electrical
leakages and short circuits.
As a low viscosity fixing and insulating lacquer, PLASTIK 70 can also be used as extra/after
insulation of coils and transformers and overcomes disturbing noises.
PLASTIK 70 can also be used as a universal protective coating on any surface like metal,
paper, ornaments, paintings, furniture, etc.
For small runs and service applications, the easiest way to apply PLASTIK 70 is from an
aerosol can. Spray from a distance of 20 to 30 cm on the dry and degreased surface. As
pre-cleaning of PCB’s, we do recommend the use of KONTAKT PCC to remove greases,
dirt and flux residues. When finished spraying, clean the aerosol valve by turning the can
upside down and pressing the button until only propellant escapes.
For serial production runs, PLASTIK 70 in bulk can be applied by brush or by dipping. For
spraying, two parts per volume PLASTIK 70 is diluted with up to one part of THINNER
FOR PLASTIK 70. The precise mixing ratio must be determined by trials with the
equipment concerned.
For dip coating it is also necessary to fix the immersion time and the withdrawal speed.
The faster the removal from the bulk, then thicker the film will be. Dipping baths have to
be carefully protected to ensure no entrapment of conductive stuck-on residues.
PLASTIK 70 contains solvents like ethyl acetate and butyl acetate. Printed circuit board
materials and electronic components generally have a good compatibility with these
solvents. In case of plastic surfaces (e.g. housings) a compatibility test is always
recommend. It is necessary in particular, to test its suitability for plastics susceptible to
stress cracking (e.g. polycarbonate).
PLASTIK 70 contains flammable solvents and hence when working with the product,
make sure there is good ventilation in the workplace. Remove all possible ignition
Size: 400ml
Technical Data Sheet
Safety Data Sheet
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