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1Mx1 serial PROM DIL-8 Type EPC1PC8

Bestell-Nr.:    EPC1PC8

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1MBitx1 serial PROM DIL-8 Type EPC1PC8

Info als pdf-File
Type: EPC1PC8

1,046,496 Ø x 1-bit device with 5.0-V or 3.3-V operation

EPC1, EPC1441, EPC1213, EPC1064, & EPC1064V
■ Serial device family for configuring APEXTM II, APEX 20K (including APEX 20K, APEX 20KC, and APEX 20KE), MercuryTM, ACEX® 1K, and FLEX® (FLEX 6000, FLEX 10KE, and FLEX 10KA) devices
■ Easy-to-use 4-pin interface to APEX II, APEX 20K, Mercury, ACEX, and FLEX devices
■ Low current during configuration and near-zero standby current
■ 5.0-V and 3.3-V operation
■ Software design support with the Altera® Quartus® II and MAX+PLUS® II development systems for Windows-based PCs as well as Sun SPARCstation, and HP 9000 Series 700/800
■ Programming support with Altera´s Master Programming Unit (MPU) and programming hardware from Data I/O, BP Microsystems, and other manufacturers
■ Available in compact plastic packages (see Figures 1 and 2) - 8-pin plastic dual in-line package (PDIP)
- 20-pin plastic J-lead chip carrier (PLCC) package
- 32-pin plastic thin quad flat pack (TQFP) package
- 100-pin plastic thin quad flat pack (TQPF) package
- 88-pin Ultra FineLine BGATM package
■ EPC2 device has reprogrammable Flash configuration memory
- 5.0-V and 3.3-V in-system programmability (ISP) through the built-in IEEE Std. 1149.1 Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) interface
- Built-in JTAG boundary-scan test (BST) circuitry compliant with IEEE Std. 1149.1
- ISP circuitry is compatible with IEEE Std. 1532 for EPC2 configuration device
- Supports programming through Serial Vector Format Files (.svf), JamTM Standard Test and Programming Language (STAPL) Files (.jam), Jam STAPL Byte-Code Files (.jbc), and the MAX+PLUS II software via the MasterBlasterTM, ByteBlasterMVTM, or BitBlasterTM download cable
- nINIT_CONF pin allows a JTAG instruction to initiate device configuration
- Can be programmed with Programmer Object Files (.pof) for EPC1 and EPC1441 devices
- Available in 20-pin PLCC and 32-pin TQFP packages
■ EPC4, EPC8, and EPC16 configuration devices have reprogrammable Flash configuration memory with density up to 16,000,000 or 32,000,000 bits with compression feature in these devices.

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NTE-Austauschhalbleiter (früher ECG Philips und Sylvania) sind sorgfältig ausgesuchte und erprobte Halbleiter, die einen sicheren Ersatz für Originaltypen verschiedenster Hersteller und Ursprünge für fast alle Applikationsbereiche im Wartungsdienst bieten.
Alle NTE-Austausch-Halbleiter sind einzeln in durchsichtigen Plastikbeuteln verpackt, auf welchen die wichtigsten Daten vermerkt sind. Sprachen integrierter Schaltkreis integrated circuit, kurz IC, Mikrochip Microchip integreret kredsløb integreret kredslob circuito integrado (CI) circuit intégré (CI) circuit integre (CI) circuito integrato geïntegreerde schakeling geintegreerde schakeling Tümdevre Tuemdevre

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