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NTE7039 IC Vertical Deflection Output for CRT Display SIP-13

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NTE7039 NTE-7039 | ECG7039 ECG-7039 | NTE Electronics NTE7039
Integrated Circuit Vertical Deflection Output Circuit w/Driver Circuit for CRT Display
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The NTE7039 and NTE7104 are vertical deflection output ICs in a 13-Lead SIP type package developed for use in high-grade TVs and displays. The interlace and crosover distortion responses, in particular, have been greatly improved, allowing excellent picture quality on large size television screens and high precision interlace mode displays.

Also, pulse signals can be used for input signals due to the on-chip sawtooth wave generating circuit and driver circuit. Further, the DC and AC feedback circuits be formed with these ICs alone, simplyfing pattern design of sets and ensuring stable performance.

The NTE7104 has a maximum deflection current of 1.8AP-P, making it appropriate for use in portable to mid-size televisions while the NTE7039 has a minimum deflection current of 2.2AP-P, so it can be used for larger size sets, and can drive television screen sizes from 33 to 37 inches.


  • Low Power Dissipation due to On-Chip Pump-Up Circuit
  • On-Chip 50/60Hz Vertical Size Control Circuit
  • On-Chip Sawtooth Wave Generating Circuit
  • On-Chip Driver Circuit
  • Vertical Output Circuit
  • On-Chip Thermal Protection Circuit
  • Excellent Interlace Response
  • Excellent Crossover Response
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NTE-ECG replacement list as pdf-file
Diagrams and Info of most NTE-ECG Components

Absolute Maximum Ratings: (TA = +25°C unless otherwise specified)
Driver Supply Voltage, +VCC1 max     15V
Pump-Up Power Supply Voltage, +VCC8 max     30V
Output Supply Voltage, +VCC13 max     62V
Deflection Output Current, IDEF     -1.5 to +1.5AP-O
Allowable Power Dissipation (With Infinite Heat Sink), PD max     8W
Operating Temperature Range, Topr     -20° to +85°C
Storage Temperature Range, Tstg     -40° to +150°C
Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Case, TthJ-C     4°C/W

Recommended Operating Conditions: (TA = +25°C unless otherwise specified)

Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Driver Supply Voltage +VCC1   8 12 14 V
Pump-Up Supply Voltage +VCC8   10 24 27 V
Deflection Output Current NTE7039 I12P-P   up to 2.2 AP-P
NTE7104 up to 1.8 AP-P
Ramp Waveform Pulse Height NTE7039 V6P-P   up to =B1/3 VP-P
NTE7104 up to -1.01 VP-P

Electrical Characteristics: (TA = +25°C, +VCC1 = 12V, +VCC8 = 24V unless otherwise specified)

Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Driver Power Supply Quiescent Current ICC1   5.6 6.7 7.8 mA
Trigger Input Threshold Voltage V2   2.6 2.9 3.2 V
Vertical Amplitude Control Pin Voltage V4   5.9 6.1 6.3 V
Ramp Waveform Shape Start Voltage VRamp   4.6 4.9 5.2 V
Pump-Up Charge Saturation Voltage VS9-11 I9 = 20mA - - 1.8 V
Pump-Up Discharge Saturation Voltage NTE7039 VS8-9 I = 1.1A - - 3.2 V
NTE7104 I = 900mA - - 3.0 V
Deflection Output Saturation Voltage, Lower NTE7039 VS12-11 I = 1.1A - - 1.5 V
NTE7104 I = 900mA - - 1.2 V
Deflection Output Saturation Voltage, Upper NTE7039 VS13-12 I = 1.1A - - 3.5 V
NTE7104 I = 900mA - - 3.2 V
Idling Current IDL   35 - 65 mA
Voltage Gain GVO f = 1kHz - 59 - dB

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Anmerkung zu den NTE/ECG Austauschhalbleiter:
NTE-Austauschhalbleiter (früher ECG Philips und Sylvania) sind sorgfältig ausgesuchte und erprobte Halbleiter, die einen sicheren Ersatz für Originaltypen verschiedenster Hersteller und Ursprünge für fast alle Applikationsbereiche im Wartungsdienst bieten.
Alle NTE-Austausch-Halbleiter sind einzeln in durchsichtigen Plastikbeuteln verpackt, auf welchen die wichtigsten Daten vermerkt sind.


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