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NTE1174 IC TV Automatic Fine Tuning AFT DIP-14

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NTE1174 NTE-1174 | ECG1174 ECG-1174 | NTE Electronics

NTE1174 IC TV Automatic Fine Tuning (AFT) DIP-14

Formerly: ECG1174

Integrated Circuit TV Automatic Fine Tuning (AFT) Circuit

Info as pdf-file
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NTE-ECG diagrams

The NTE1174 is a monolithic TV Automatic Fine Tuning (AFT) circuit in a 14−Lead Staggered DIP type package that provides an AFT voltage and an amplified 4.5MHz intercarrier sound signal. When connected to an output of an IF amplifier the NTE1174 provides the signal processing (amplification and detection) necessary to generate the AFT correction signals required by the TV tuner. It also mixes the video and sound IF carriers and amplifiers the resultant 4.5MHz intercarrier sound signal. The sound output may then be connected to an FM detector such as the NTE1175 “TV Sound IF and Audio Output Subsystem,” or the NTE712 “FM Detector and Audio Driver.”
The AFT portion of the NTE1174 is similar the NTE 780 AFT circuit with the following exceptions: (a) the AFT filter capacitors are external and user selectable, allowing the detector to operate as a peak detector and resulting in a higher effective gain for the TV signal; (b) the detector bias resistor is external and user selectable, allowing the gain of the AFT and intercarrier signals to be adjusted; (c) the dynamic resistance of the shunt regulator has been decreased.

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Anmerkung zu den NTE/ECG Austauschhalbleiter:
NTE-Austauschhalbleiter (früher ECG Philips und Sylvania) sind sorgfältig ausgesuchte und erprobte Halbleiter, die einen sicheren Ersatz für Originaltypen verschiedenster Hersteller und Ursprünge für fast alle Applikationsbereiche im Wartungsdienst bieten.
Alle NTE-Austausch-Halbleiter sind einzeln in durchsichtigen Plastikbeuteln verpackt, auf welchen die wichtigsten Daten vermerkt sind.

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